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Abstract zur Publikation: Cutting edge: CD4 is not required for the functional activity of IL-16

Mathy NL, Bannert N, Norley SG, Kurth R (2000): Cutting edge: CD4 is not required for the functional activity of IL-16
J. Immunol. 164 (9): 4429-4432.

IL-16 functions as a chemoattractant factor, inhibitor of HIV replication, and inducer of proinflammatory cytokine production. Previous studies have suggested that CD4 is the receptor for IL-16, because only CD4+ cells respond to IL-16 and both the anti-CD4 Ab OKT4 and soluble CD4 can block IL-16 function. However, these are only indirect evidence of a requirement for CD4, and to date a direct interaction between IL-16 and CD4 has not beenshown. In this paper, we report that cells from CD4 knockout mice are as responsive to IL-16 as their CD4 wild-type equivalents in both assays testing for IL-16 function (chemotaxis and production of proinflammatory cytokines). In addition, the inhibitory effect of soluble CD4 on IL-16 function observed using CD4 wild type murine cells was not observed using CD4 knockout cells. These data demonstrate that CD4 is not required for IL-16 function and suggest that another molecule acts as the major receptor.







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