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Abstract zur Publikation: Developing national epidemiologic capacity to meet the challenges of emerging infections in Germany

Petersen LR, Ammon A, Hamouda O, Breuer T, Kiessling S, Bellach B, Niemer U, Bindert FJ, Ostroff S, Kurth R (2000): Developing national epidemiologic capacity to meet the challenges of emerging infections in Germany
Emerg. Infect. Dis. 6 (6): 576-584.

In January 1996, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany's national public health institute, began strengthening its epidemiologic capacity to respond to emerging and other infectious diseases. Six integrated strategies were initiated: developing employee training, outbreak investigation, and epidemiologic research programs; strengthening surveillance systems; improving communications to program partners and constituents; and building international collaborations. By December 1999, five employees had completed a 2-year applied epidemiology training program, 186 health department personnel had completed a 2-week training course, 27 outbreak investigations had been completed, eight short-term research projects had been initiated, major surveillance and epidemiologic research efforts for foodborne and nosocomial infections had begun, and 16 scientific manuscripts had been published or were in press. The German experience indicates that, with a concerted effort, considerable progress in building a national applied infectious disease program can be achieved in a short time frame.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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