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Abstract zur Publikation: Prevalence and polymorphism of genes encoding translocated effector proteins among clinical isolates of Salmonella enterica

Prager R, Mirold S, Tietze E, Strutz U, Knueppel B, Rabsch W, Hardt W-D, Tschäpe H (2000): Prevalence and polymorphism of genes encoding translocated effector proteins among clinical isolates of Salmonella enterica
Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 290 (7): 605-617.

Pathogenic Salmonella enterica strains are capable of causing local and/or systemic infections. They employ two type III secretion systems to translocate an array of virulence-associated proteins (effector proteins) directly into the cytosol of target cells of the host. Earlier data had shown that changes in the repertoire of translocated effector proteins may contribute to the adaptation of Salmonella strains to new hosts and to the emergence of epidemic strains. Using PCR and Southern blot techniques the presence of and the polymorphism among the genes encoding the translocated effector proteins SopB, SopD, SopE, SopE2, SipA, SipB, SipC, AvrA, and SptP was studied in 71 phylogeneticaliy well characterised S. enterica subspecies I (subspecies enterica) strains of the SARB collection and in 209 clinical and epidemic isolates of S. enterica subspecies I belonging to various serovars, phage types, and genotypes. All these Salmonella strains harbour all these respective genes with the exception of sopE and avrA which have been identified in only some of them. Several of the studied genes display genetic polymorphisms (RFLP). These RFLP patterns did not show a strict correlation with the genetic distance, the grouping genes in order to understand their role in the evolution of Salmonella as a pathogen.







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