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Abstract zur Publikation: Gesundheitsbericht für Deutschland. Erste Ergebnisse einer Nutzeranalyse. [Health Report for Germany. First Results of a Readership Analysis]

Riedmann K (2000): Gesundheitsbericht für Deutschland. Erste Ergebnisse einer Nutzeranalyse. [Health Report for Germany. First Results of a Readership Analysis]
Bundesgesundhbl. - Gesundheitsforsch. - Gesundheitsschutz 43: 611-614.

With 3576 copies sold or distributed so far, the first Health Report for Germany, published in 1998, has been disseminated broadly. On more than 500 pages a hundred health related topics are presented in a very condensed form, aiming to provide a reliable data base for rational, subject-related, health-policy discussions and decisions. Little was known about the readership and even less about how they received form and content and what their expectations are on the future reporting. Thus, a short questionnaire was enclosed in every report to collect initial information about the readers, their professional tasks, their institutional background and future topic requests. An acceptable return of n=433 questionnaires allows some basic conclusions. The readership reached so far reflects the plurality of the German health system and corresponds to the expectations and intentions of the authors. The general topic requests concentrate on aspects of costs and resources of the health system. The special topic requests provide useful information for the future planning in the field of health reporting in Germany. Thanks to the optional, but nearly complete transmission of the reader's addresses we have a sufficient base to establish a "Network Health Reporting". This database of addresses also makes a second, more comprehensive investigation among the readers possible.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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