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Abstract zur Publikation: Seroepidemiology of TT virus, GBC-C/HGV, and hepatitis viruses B, C, and E among women in a rural area of Tanzania

Stark K, Poggensee G, Höhne M, Bienzle U, Kiwelu I, Schreier E (2000): Seroepidemiology of TT virus, GBC-C/HGV, and hepatitis viruses B, C, and E among women in a rural area of Tanzania
J. Med. Virol 62 (4): 524-530.

The seroprevalence and determinants of hepatitis B, C, and E virus infection, and of GBV-C/hepatitis G virus and TT virus infection were investigated among women from a rural area of northeastern Tanzania. High seroprevalence rates were found for TTV (74%), HBV (74%), and GBV-C/HGV (35%), whereas 7% of the women had evidence of HCV and HEV infection. The majority of TTV DNA sequences in the study population belonged to the genotypes 1 or 2. One sequence seems to represent a new subtype of genotype 4. The GBV-C/HGV sequences either belonged to the genomic Group 1b or to the recently described Group 4. In multivariate analysis, the detection of TTV DNA was associated significantly with a larger number of children in the household and with older age. A history of injections of contraceptive hormones was an independent risk factor for HCV infection. The findings on TTV are consistent with fecal-oral transmission, and recurrent infections may occur in adults.







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