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Abstract zur Publikation: Transient non-native secondary structures during the refolding of a-lactalbumin detected by infrared spectroscopy

Troullier A, Reinstädler D, Dupont Y, Naumann D, Forge V (2000): Transient non-native secondary structures during the refolding of a-lactalbumin detected by infrared spectroscopy
Nat. Struct. Biol. 7 (1): 78-86.

Stopped-flow Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (SF-FTIR) was used to identify native as well as non-native secondary structures during the refolding of the calcium-binding protein a-lactalbumin. Infrared absorbance spectra were recorded in real time after a pH jump induced refolding of the protein. In the presence of calcium, the refolding is fast with concerted appearance of secondary structures; in its absence, folding is much slower and intricate, with transient formation and disappearance of non-native b-sheet. The possibility of detecting native as well as non-native structures at the same time is especially valuable in providing insight into the complexity of the refolding process of a protein.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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