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Abstract zur Publikation: Eine nicht alltägliche Salmonellose in einem Rinderbestand: Latente Ausscheidung von Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104 über das Euter. [An unusual salmonellosis in a herd of cattle: latent excretion of Salmonella typhimurium DT 104 from the udder]

Weber A, Koller A, Hechelmann H, Unkauf I, Rabsch W, Gareis M (2000): Eine nicht alltägliche Salmonellose in einem Rinderbestand: Latente Ausscheidung von Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104 über das Euter. [An unusual salmonellosis in a herd of cattle: latent excretion of Salmonella typhimurium DT 104 from the udder]
Prakt. Tierarzt 81 (5): 426-431.

S. typhimurium DT 104 was isolated at a routine bacteriological examination of samples of raw milk. The following extended surrounding screening established that a clinical healthy cow, about 7 years old and with a milk yield of about 9700 litres p.a., was the source of infection latently excreting the pathogen from the right hind quarter of the udder. Positive Salmonella findings were also noted among the calves of the farm and two co-workers. The PM examination of this cow showed no pathological-anatomical changes. S. typhimurium DT 104 could only be cultivated from the corresponding teat secretion and mammary lymph node. According to the bacteriological results found in this herd, there could possibly be a risk of infection for man and animals in the case of direct marketing of milk from farms.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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