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Abstract zur Publikation: Involvement of multiple genetic loci in Staphylococcus aureus teicoplanin resistance

Bischoff M, Roos M, Putnik J, Wada A, Glanzmann P, Giachino P, Vaudaux P, Berger-Bachi B (2001): Involvement of multiple genetic loci in Staphylococcus aureus teicoplanin resistance
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 194 (1): 77-82.

Teicoplanin resistance was transformed from a teicoplanin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus into the susceptible strain BB255 to give strain BB938. The cell wall composition, amidation of the iD-glutamate, and peptide crosslinking were identical in BB938 as in BB255 except for a 60% increased length of the glycan chain. Transductional crosses revealed that at least two distinct loci contributed in a cumulative fashion to teicoplanin resistance. One of these loci correlated with a mutation inactivating the anti-sigma factor RsbW. This mutation must have occurred during transformation and selection for teicoplanin resistance in BB938. Genetic manipulations involving the sigB operon showed that transcription factor SigB contributed to decreased teicoplanin susceptibility.







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