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Abstract zur Publikation: Enterovirus-Ringversuch mit guten Ergebnissen. [Enterovirus proficiency test with good results]

Diedrich S, Schreier E (2001): Enterovirus-Ringversuch mit guten Ergebnissen. [Enterovirus proficiency test with good results]
Lab. Med. 25: 557-560.

Enterovirus infections have a special meaning within the context of the programme for the eradication of poliomyelitis. In contrast to the first proficiency test from 1999, which revealed some difficulties in the detection of enteroviruses, especially with serotyping, very good results were achieved in 2001 even when using strong evaluation criteria. Nineteen participating laboratories cultivated and typed enteroviruses from five stool samples. Fifteen of 19 laboratories (80 %) met the WHO standard of 80 % correct results. The neutralisation test is the method of choice for the typing of enteroviruses, but immunofluorescence delivers sufficient results as well.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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