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Abstract zur Publikation: Production of IL-12 by human monocyte-derived dendritic cells is optimal when the stimulus is given at the onset of maturation, and is further enhanced by IL-4

Ebner S, Ratzinger G, Krösbacher B, Schmuth M, Weiss A, Reider D, Kroczek RA, Herold M, Heufler C, Fritsch P, Romani N (2001): Production of IL-12 by human monocyte-derived dendritic cells is optimal when the stimulus is given at the onset of maturation, and is further enhanced by IL-4
J. Immunol. 166 (1): 633-641.

Dendritic cells produce IL-12 both in response to microbial stimuli and to T cells, and can thus skew T cell reactivity toward a Th1 pattern. We investigated the capacity of dendritic cells to elaborate IL-12 with special regard to their state of maturation, different maturation stimuli, and its regulation by Th1/Th2-influencing cytokines. Monocyte-derived dendritic cells were generated with GM-CSF and IL-4 for 7 days, followed by another 3 days +/- monocyte-conditioned media, yielding mature (CD83+/dendritic cell-lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein+) and immature (CD83 -/dendritic cell-lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein-) dendritic cells. These dendritic cells were stimulated for another 48 h, and IL-12 p70 was measured by ELISA. We found the following: 1) Immature dendritic cells stimulated with CD154/CD40 ligand or bacteria (both of which concurrently also induced maturation) secreted always more IL-12 than already mature dendritic cells. Mature CD154-stimulated dendritic cells still made significant levels (up to 4 ng/ml). 2) Terminally mature skin-derived dendritic cells did not make any IL-12 in response to these stimuli. 3) Appropriate maturation stimuli are required for IL-12 production: CD40 ligation and bacteria are sufficient; monocyte-conditioned media are not. 4) Unexpectedly, IL-4 markedly increased the amount of IL-12 produced by both immature and mature dendritic cells, when present during stimulation. 5) IL-10 inhibited the production of IL-12. Our results, employing a cell culture system that is now being widely used in immunotherapy, extend prior data that IL-12 is produced most abundantly by dendritic cells that are beginning to respond to maturation stimuli. Surprisingly, IL-12 is only elicited by select maturation stimuli, but can be markedly enhanced by the addition of the Th2 cytokine, IL-4.







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