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Abstract zur Publikation: Evaluation of a new chromogenic medium for the isolation and presumptive identification of Salmonella species from stool specimens

Eigener U, Reissbrodt R, Hammann R, Fahr AM (2001): Evaluation of a new chromogenic medium for the isolation and presumptive identification of Salmonella species from stool specimens
Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 20: 558-565.

The performance of BBL CHROMagar Salmonella (Becton Dickinson, France), a new selective chromogenic medium for the isolation and presumptive identification of Salmonella spp., was evaluated. On this medium, which is a modification of CHROMagar Salmonella (CHROMagar Microbiology, France) with enhanced selectivity, the colonies of Salmonella are stained in mauve (rose-violet), while those of other organisms appear in blue-green or are not stained by any of the chromogens of the medium. The medium was evaluated with a total of 176 strains of Salmonella and other organisms, consisting of 18 reference strains and 158 clinical isolates. All Salmonella strains except subspecies IIIa and IIIb strains and Salmonella Gallinarum yielded typical mauve colonies. During the evaluation with 107 known positive and 332 unknown stool specimens in a clinical laboratory, a total of 115 and 105 Salmonella isolates were obtained on BBL CHROMagar Salmonella and Hektoen enteric agar, respectively. From the known positive stool specimens, 92 true positive cultures were obtained on BBL CHROMagar Salmonella and 89 on Hektoen enteric agar, yielding sensitivities of 86 and 83%, respectively. From the unknown stool specimens, a total of 27 Salmonella isolates were obtained, with 23 isolated from BBL CHROMagar Salmonella and 16 from Hektoen enteric agar by direct plating (sensitivity 85 and 59%, specificity 99 and 97%, respectively). Seroagglutination tests could be performed directly from BBL CHROMagar Salmonella. Compared to conventional isolation media, the time needed for confirmatory biochemical and serological tests was shortened by about 1 day when BBL CHROMagar Salmonella was used. On the basis of these results, the medium can be recommended for the primary isolation and presumptive identification of Salmonella spp. from clinical stool specimens.







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