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Abstract zur Publikation: "Amalgam disease" - poisoning, allergy, or psychic disorder?

Gottwald B, Traencker I, Kupfer J, Ganss C, Eis D, Schill WB, Gieler U (2001): "Amalgam disease" - poisoning, allergy, or psychic disorder?
Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 204: 223-229.

Frequently, patients in environmental health out-patient units relate various complaints to their amalgam fillings. However, an association between the toxic exposure and the reported complaints appears plausible only in few cases. We investigated toxicological, allergological and psychological parameters in patients with amalgam-associated complaints and compared them to controls with similar numbers of amalgam fillings. Forty patients with health disturbances related to amalgam were compared to a control group without amalgam-associated complaints (n = 40), carefully matched for age, sex, and dental status. Mercury concentrations were analyzed in blood, saliva, and 24-h-urine. Atopic predisposition, determination of IgE, patch testing with amalgam and amalgam-associated metals and a psychometric assessment were performed in all participants. Mercury concentrations in blood or urine were similar in patients and controls. Atopic predisposition was markedly enhanced in patients (11/40) as compared to controls (5/40). Only one patient with a lichen ruber of the oral mucosa showed a contact sensitization to amalgam. Patients reported more psychic strain and higher depression scores than controls. Somatization disorders were found in 10 patients (25%) and in one control. Eighteen patients (45%) neither showed an atopic predisposition nor an influence of psychosocial factors. Toxic exposure to mercury does not appear to play a role in "amalgam disease". Since many of these patients are atopic without an "amalgam allergy", but with more psychic strain and notably more depression, the treatment should be focused on allergologic and psychological factors.







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