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Abstract zur Publikation: Prevalence of the new, SPI1-like, pathogenicity island ETT2 among E. coli pathovars and serotypes

Hartleib S, Prager R, Hedenström I, Lofdahl S, Tschäpe H (2001): Prevalence of the new, SPI1-like, pathogenicity island ETT2 among E. coli pathovars and serotypes
Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 292: 487-493.

The new pathogenicity island ETT2 has been identified by PCR and gene probes among various intestinal serovars and pathovars of E. coli, in particular among EHEC/STEC. However, ETT2 was not detected among extra-intestinal and non-pathogenic E. coli strains or other enteric bacteria including various S. enterica serovars. A considerable molecular diversity of ETT2 among various E. coli serovars was found. The occurrence of ETT2 among E. coli is independent of the presence of other virulence properties, e.g. the pathogenicity islands LEE, LPA, or HPI.







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