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Abstract zur Publikation: Marijuana Use and Social Networks in a Community Outbreak of Meningococcal Disease

Krause G, Blackmore C, Wiersma S, Lesneski C, Woods CW, Rosenstein NE, Hopkins RS (2001): Marijuana Use and Social Networks in a Community Outbreak of Meningococcal Disease
Southern Med. J. 94: 482-485.

BACKGROUND: We examined the role of social networks and marijuana smoking in a community outbreak of infections due to Neisseria meningitidis. METHODS: We interviewed all patients and their contacts. Isolates were tested by pulsed field electrophoresis and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. RESULTS: Nine cases of meningococcal disease occurred in the outbreak; isolates from seven cases with positive cultures were identical. Multiple overlapping social networks were found for case-patients and their contacts. All case-patients were linked by the marijuana-related activities of their contacts. CONCLUSION: Investigation of social networks and marijuana exposure might help identify close contacts of patients with meningococcal disease and help prevent secondary infections.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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