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Abstract zur Publikation: Outbreak of Salmonella serotype anatum infection associated with unpasteurized orange juice

Krause G, Terzagian R, Hammond R (2001): Outbreak of Salmonella serotype anatum infection associated with unpasteurized orange juice
Southern Med. J. 94: 1168-1172.

In March 1999, a patient was infected with Salmonella serotype Anatum after having consumed unpasteurized orange juice from a manufacturer in Florida. We conducted a cohort study among customers of the manufacturer, performed pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) on isolates, and inspected the manufacturing plant. Surveillance data identified three additional patients infected with Salmonella Anatum showing indistinguishable or closely related PFGE patterns. Three of the four patients had consumed orange juice from the same manufacturer. In the cohort study, 6 of 68 persons (9%) who consumed orange juice and/or orange ice cream from the manufacturer were ill, compared with 1 of 47 (2%) who did not. A positive antigen test for Salmonella species and coliform growth in juice samples taken from the production line suggested contamination during the manufacturing process. Commercially produced orange juice should be pasteurized or otherwise processed to achieve equivalent reduction of pathogens.







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