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Abstract zur Publikation: Phospholipases of Candida albicans

Niewerth M, Korting HC (2001): Phospholipases of Candida albicans
Mycoses 44: 361-367.

Infections due to Candida albicans are frequent and of clinical importance. Especially at a time of increasing organ transplantations, HIV infections, and resistance to antimicrobial agents a profound knowledge of the interaction between C. albicans and host tissue is mandatory. In addition to secreted aspartyl proteinase, dimorphism, cell surface composition, and toxin production phospholipases are a main factor in pathogenicity. Up to the present, many different groups and subgroups of phospholipases have been detected. These different enzymes are related to various types of aggressive and defensive actions. These range from active invasion of host cell tissue to growth control and remodelling of the yeast cell membrane. It is clear that a multiplicity of factors must co-operate to overcome the host's defences. Yet it can be supposed today that phospholipases are one important factor in this complex interaction. Therefore the known phospholipases of C. albicans are described in detail under clinical aspects.







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