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Abstract zur Publikation: Taxonomic Studies of Predatory Bdellovibrios Based on 16S rRNA Analysis, Ribotyping and the hit Locus and Characterization of Isolates from the Gut of Animals

Schwudke D, Strauch E, Krüger M, Appel B (2001): Taxonomic Studies of Predatory Bdellovibrios Based on 16S rRNA Analysis, Ribotyping and the hit Locus and Characterization of Isolates from the Gut of Animals
System. Appl. Microbiol. 24: 385-394.

The aim of our study was to obtain data for the molecular characterization of bdellovibrio bacteria, which were recently split into the genus Bdellovibrio and the newly designated genus Bacteriovorax. We determined the 16S rDNA sequences of five reference strains and performed a phylogenetic analysis including published 16S rRNA sequences of bdellovibrios. A comparison of the secondary structure showed significant differences in two regions of the 16S rRNAs of the species Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, Bacteriovorax starrii, and Bacteriovorax stolpii. In addition, ribotyping techniques gave specific hybridization patterns and revealed that two rRNA operons are present in the investigated strains. A hybridization probe derived from the genetic locus, hit, associated with the host independent (HI) phenotype of B. bacteriovorus, was found to be specific for this species. Sequence comparison of the hit locus revealed few base pair changes between host independent (HI) and host dependent (HD) strains. Ribotyping and hybridization experiments using the hit probe were applied to characterize bdellovibrio strains isolated from the gut of animals and humans and one isolate from sewage.







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