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Abstract zur Publikation: Infrared Spectroscopy of Human Cells and Tissue: Detection of Disease

Lasch P, Chiriboga L, Yee H, Diem M (2002): Infrared Spectroscopy of Human Cells and Tissue: Detection of Disease
Technol. Cancer Res. Treat. 1 (1): 1-7.

An objective method for the analysis of tissue section is described that uses the chemical composition of the tissue, rather than cell morphology, as an indicator for the state of health of the cells in the tissue. The chemical composition of cells and tissue, and small variations therein, are determined by an objective, quantitative spectral measurement carried out in the infrared spectral region. This method does not utilize any stains or chemical treatment of the sample, but uses an inherent optical property of all materials. The spectral information is converted to false color images by unsupervised mathematical methods. The false color maps reveal the same anatomical features of the tissue that can be confirmed using a variety of common histopathological procedures, and may be used to differentiate between normal and diseased areas of the tissue







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