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Abstract zur Publikation: Migraine and Menière’s Disease. Is there a link?

Radtke A, Lempert T, Gresty MA, Brookes GB, Bronstein AM, Neuhauser H (2002): Migraine and Menière’s Disease. Is there a link?
Neurology 59: 1700-1704.

BACKGROUND: A possible link between Menière's disease (MD) and migraine was originally suggested by Prosper Menière. Subsequent studies of the prevalence of migraine in MD produced conflicting results. OBJECTIVE: To determine the lifetime prevalence of migraine in patients with MD compared to sex- and age-matched controls. METHODS: The authors studied 78 patients (40 women, 38 men; age range 29 to 81 years) with idiopathic unilateral or bilateral MD according to the criteria of the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Diagnosis of migraine with and without aura was made via telephone interviews according to the criteria of the International Headache Society. Additional information was obtained concerning the concurrence of vertigo and migrainous symptoms during Menière attacks. The authors interviewed sex- and age-matched orthopedic patients (n = 78) as controls. RESULTS: The lifetime prevalence of migraine with and without aura was higher in the MD group (56%) compared to controls (25%; p < 0.001). Forty-five percent of the patients with MD always experienced at least one migrainous symptom (migrainous headache, photophobia, aura symptoms) with Menière attacks. CONCLUSIONS: The lifetime prevalence of migraine is increased in patients with MD when strict diagnostic criteria for both conditions are applied. The frequent occurrence of migrainous symptoms during Menière attacks suggests a pathophysiologic link between the two diseases. Alternatively, because migraine itself is a frequent cause of audio-vestibular symptoms, current diagnostic criteria may not differentiate between MD and migrainous vertigo.







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