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Abstract zur Publikation: Evaluation of a parental training program for the management of childhood atopic dermatitis

Staab D, von Rüden U, Kehrt R, Erhart M, Wenninger K, Kamtsiuris P, Wahn U (2002): Evaluation of a parental training program for the management of childhood atopic dermatitis
Pediat. Allergy Immunol. 13 (2): 84-90.

Atopic dermatitis (AD) in childhood is a common disease with prevalence rates as high as 20%. Its early onset in infancy and its chronic relapsing course puts a special burden on families. Supporting parents in dealing with the management of AD presents a challenge for physicians. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a structured parental training program on managing AD in children. Two-hundred and four families participated in a prospective, randomized controlled trial. Children (5 months to 12 years in age) had suffered from moderate-to-severe AD for at least 4 months. They were randomly assigned to either the intervention group or a waiting, control group who could participate in the training program 1 year later. The intervention was an inter-disciplinary, structured educational program which covered medical, nutritional, and psychological issues in six group sessions of 2 h each. The families were assessed at the beginning of the study and 1 year later. Main outcome measures were: severity of eczema (SCORAD); treatment habits; treatment costs; quality of life; and coping strategies. Significant effects were shown regarding treatment behavior, such as regular use of emollients, use of antiseptics and topical steroids in the event of exacerbation, and a reduction in the use of unconventional therapies. Satisfaction with medical treatment was improved, and rumination as an ineffective coping strategy was reduced. Finally, significant reduction of treatment costs was achieved. We conclude that structured training programs for parents of children with AD is a helpful adjunct to dermatological treatment.







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