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Abstract zur Publikation: Infections with HIV, HBV, and HCV among blood donors in Germany 1998 and 1999

Stark K, Werner E, Seeger E, Offergeld R, Altmann D, Kramer M H (2002): Infections with HIV, HBV, and HCV among blood donors in Germany 1998 and 1999
Infusther. Transfusmed. 29 (6): 305-307.

The data on HIV, HBV and HCV infection among blood and plasma donors in Germany are presented for the second half of 1998 and for 1999. A decreasing trend was observed in the HIV, HBV and HCV prevalences in first-time whole-blood donors since 1997. In 1999, the prevalences per 100,000 donations were 3.4 for HIV, 150.1 for HBV, and 101.3 for HCV. The number of seroconversions (incidence) per 100,000 repeat whole-blood donations in 1999 were 0.6 for HIV, 1.5 for HBV, and 2.9 for HCV. The incidences in repeat whole-blood donations did not vary significantly between 1996 and 1999. The results demonstrate the high safety of blood products in Germany.







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