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Abstract zur Publikation: Immunisations in solid organ transplant recipients

Stark K, Günther M, Schönfeld C, Tullius S G, Bienzle U (2002): Immunisations in solid organ transplant recipients
Lancet 359: 957-965.

Solid organ transplant (SOTx) recipients are at increased risk of a variety of infectious diseases some of which are vaccine preventable. Immunisations are among the most efficient interventions in medicine. SOTx recipients would greatly benefit from effective immunisations, provided the recommendations are based on a careful risk-benefit-analysis in which the effectiveness of the vaccine is weighted against possible adverse reactions, including graft rejection. In this review, the data from studies on relevant immunisations in solid organ transplant recipients are summarised. The major issues which are covered are the immunogenicity and safety of immunisations, the factors associated with poor immune response, and recommendations for immunisations schemes.







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