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Abstract zur Publikation: ICOS and CD28 reversely regulate IL-10 on re-activation of human effector T cells with mature dendritic cells

Witsch EJ, Peiser M, Hutloff A, Büchner K, Dorner BG, Jonuleit H, Mages HW, Kroczek RA (2002): ICOS and CD28 reversely regulate IL-10 on re-activation of human effector T cells with mature dendritic cells
Eur. J. Immunol. 32 (9): 2680-2686.

With newly generated ICOS-ligand (ICOS-L)-specific monoclonal antibodies we determined that human Langerhans cells in situ express similar levels of ICOS-L, CD80, and CD86, compared to immature dendritic cells (DC) derived from monocytes in vitro. Maturation of DC strongly up-regulated CD80 and CD86 but did not significantly change ICOS-L levels. On coculture of "naive" CD4+ T cells with mature DC in the presence of superantigen, ICOS was highly up-regulated on T cells, but played only a secondary role in the CD28-dominated release of TNF-alpha and IFN-γ, and did not participate in the induction of IL-2. Cocultures of "effector" CD4+ T cells with mature DC revealed CD28 as the driving force for the secretion of IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-6, and IL-13, with no apparent contribution of ICOS. In contrast, the release of IL-10 was differentially regulated. Interaction of ICOS with ICOS-L strongly promoted IL-10 secretion, whereas the CD28/B7 pathway acted as a potent attenuator of IL-10 release. Our data thus indicate a selective regulation of IL-10 secretion by ICOS on re-activation of effector T cells with professional antigen-presenting cells (bearing CD80 and CD86) in lymphoid tissue.







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