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Abstract zur Publikation: Progress toward measles elimination in Germany

Hellenbrand W, Siedler A, Tischer A, Meyer C, Reiter S, Rasch G, Teichmann D, Santibanez S, Altmann D, Claus H, Kramer M (2003): Progress toward measles elimination in Germany
J. Infect. Dis. 187 (Suppl 1): 208-216.

While the former East Germany (FEG) achieved a reduction of measles incidence to <1 case per 100,000 population before reunification in 1990, the former West Germany (FWG) experienced significant measles morbidity. In 2001, according to statutory surveillance data, the incidence of measles was still higher in FWG than in FEG (8.7 vs. 0.7 cases/100,000 population). This article describes the development of the vaccination strategies in FEG and FWG, vaccination coverage, results of seroprevalence studies, measles surveillance in Germany, the epidemiology of a recent outbreak, and the role of laboratory diagnosis for measles control in Germany. Recent establishment of comprehensive nationwide surveillance and prevention programs to attain higher vaccine coverage have led to a decrease in measles incidence. However, further improvement of age-appropriate vaccine coverage and closure of immunity gaps in school-age children are necessary to eliminate measles in Germany.







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