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Abstract zur Publikation: Sporadic acute hepatitis E in Germany: an underdiagnosed phenomenon?

Teich N, Tannapfel A, Ammon A, Ruf BR, van der Poel WHM, Mossner J, Liebert UG (2003): Sporadic acute hepatitis E in Germany: an underdiagnosed phenomenon?
Ztschr. Gastroenterol. 41 (5): 419-423.

Hepatitis E virus infection is the leading cause of enterically transmitted hepatitis worldwide. Case reports of hepatitis E in individuals in Germany so far related to travel to endemic areas. A 33-year-old man presented with painless jaundice. By serology and liver biopsy, no cause of hepatitis could be identified. After discharge transaminases were persistently elevated. Serology (IgG and IgM) confirmed acute hepatitis E. The transaminases declined to normal values within six months. Detailed anamnestic questioning revealed no travel to an endemic region or contact with individuals who had visited such areas. In addition to our patient, a total of 34 cases of acute hepatitis E were reported to the Robert-Koch-Institute (German center of disease control) in 2001. In five of them, the disease had obviously been acquired in Germany.
These data indicate that community acquired hepatitis E virus infection may occur sporadically in Germany and should be considered as a cause of seronegative (non-A-non-B-non-C) hepatitis.







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