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Abstract zur Publikation: The X protein of Borna disease virus regulates viral polymerase activity through interaction with the P protein

Poenisch M, Unterstab G, Wolff T, Staeheli P, Schneider U (2004): The X protein of Borna disease virus regulates viral polymerase activity through interaction with the P protein
J. Gen. Virol. 85 (7): 1895-1898.

Borna disease virus polymerase activity is negatively regulated by the viral X protein. Using a virus minireplicon system it was found that all X mutants that no longer interacted with the viral P protein failed to exhibit significant inhibitory activity. The action of X could further be neutralized by expression of a P fragment that contained the X interaction domain but lacked all domains known to mediate interaction with other viral proteins. X thus appears to regulate the activity of the Borna disease virus polymerase by targeting the polymerase cofactor P.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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