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Abstract zur Publikation: Generic health-related quality of life instruments in children and adolescents: a qualitative analysis of content

Rajmil L, Herdman M, Fernandez de Sanmamed MJ, Detmar S, Bruil J, Ravens-Sieberer U, Bullinger M, Simeoni MC, Auquier P; The Kidscreen group (for RKI: Bauer M, Bellach BM, Gosch A) (2004): Generic health-related quality of life instruments in children and adolescents: a qualitative analysis of content
J. Adolesc. Health 341: 37-45.

PURPOSE: To determine the extent of differences and similarities in content between heath-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments for children and adolescents. METHODS: A descriptive and explanatory qualitative approach was carried out. Instruments specifically designed for use with children or adolescents were included. To assure the validity of the findings a triangulation of the analysis and "member checking" were performed. RESULTS: Ten questionnaires were analyzed. All of them included items referring to physical, psychological, and social aspects of health. A relatively low number of categories explained the content of the questionnaires. CONCLUSIONS: A reasonably coherent notion of HRQOL underlies instruments available for children and adolescents. HRQOL measurement in young people is still in its developmental step.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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