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Abstract zur Publikation: Inactivating process for lipid enveloped virus, and new antivirus lipopeptides [patent]

Vollenbroich D, Vater J, Pauli G, Kamp RM (2004): Inactivating process for lipid enveloped virus, and new antivirus lipopeptides [patent]
Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Patents 1286 (1)., PCL: 514-9, PDG: 2004, September 07, NP: US 6787520

The invention relates to an extraordinarily efficient method of inactivating lipid-enveloped viruses, such as herpes or retroviruses, in biological or biotechnological--particularly pharmaceutical--products, as well as in cell cultures by adding a cyclic lipopeptide or a mixture of lipopeptides or salts or esters thereof at specific concentrations. Lipopeptides were found to have a surprisingly high inactivation potential for lipid-enveloped viruses and in addition, they offer the advantage of an exceedingly low in vivo toxicity, so that the step of removing the inactivating agent from pharmaceutical products or cell cultures can be omitted. The invention is also directed to new antiviral lipopeptides which belong to the surfactins.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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