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Abstract zur Publikation: Studies of the Efficacy of Enterocoliticin, a Phage-Tail Like Bacteriocin, as Antimicrobial Agent Against Yersinia enterocolitica Serotype O3 in a Cell Culture System and in Mice

Damasko C, Konietzny A, Kaspar H, Appel B, Dersch P, Strauch E (2005): Studies of the Efficacy of Enterocoliticin, a Phage-Tail Like Bacteriocin, as Antimicrobial Agent Against Yersinia enterocolitica Serotype O3 in a Cell Culture System and in Mice
J. Vet. Med. B Infect. Dis. Vet. Public Health 52 (4): 171-179.

The efficacy of enterocoliticin, a phage tail-like bacteriocin, as antimicrobial compound against infections with pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O3 strains was assessed. In cell cultures, which were infected with the Y. enterocolitica strains 13 169 or 6471/76, bactericidal activity of enterocoliticin was found for bacteria adhering to the surface of eukaryotic cells, whereas bacteria, which had invaded the eukaryotic cells, were not accessible to the bacteriocin. The interaction of enterocoliticin with Y. enterocolitica was further examined in animals. Female BALB/c mice were experimentally infected with the two Y. enterocolitica strains and enterocoliticin was applied as antimicrobial compound by the oral route. Experimental variations concerning the infectious doses of the Y. enterocolitica strains and the time points of application of the bacteriocin were investigated. The increase of the Yersinia CFU titre in animals was retarded at time points shortly after the application of enterocoliticin indicating that the particles were effective on recently introduced Yersinia. The repeated application of enterocoliticin, however, did not prevent the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by Yersinia.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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