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Abstract zur Publikation: Evaluation of a rapid direct assay for identification of bacteria and the mec A and van genes from positive-testing blood cultures

Eigner U, Weizenegger M, Fahr AM, Witte W (2005): Evaluation of a rapid direct assay for identification of bacteria and the mec A and van genes from positive-testing blood cultures
J. Clin. Microbiol. 43 (10): 5256-5262.

We performed the first evaluation of a DNA strip assay (GenoType blood culture; Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Germany) for the detection of the most relevant bacterial sepsis pathogens directly from positive BACTEC blood culture bottles (Becton Dickinson, Heidelberg, Germany). The test comprises two panels, one for the direct species identification of important gram-positive cocci and the other for gram-negative rods. Additionally, detection of the mecA and the van genes are implemented. The GenoType assay was validated regarding its analytical sensitivity with blood cultures spiked with reference strains. Approximately 104 CFU per ml were detected. Analytical specificity was calculated with a test panel of 212 reference strains. Of the strains tested, 99% were correctly identified. Additionally, 279 consecutive blood cultures signaled positive by BACTEC were processed directly, in comparison to conventional methods. The GenoType assays were performed according to Gram stain morphology. A total of 243 (87.1%) of the 279 organisms isolated were covered by specific probes. A total of 152 organisms were gram-positive cocci, of which 148 (97.4%) were correctly identified by the GenoType assay. Ninety-one organisms were gram-negative rods, of which 89 (97.8%) were correctly identified. Concerning mecA gene detection, GenoType assay correctly detected 12 of 13 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates. One Enterococcus faecium isolate with a positive vanA gene isolated was correctly differentiated by the assay. All results were available 4 h after the results of microscopic analysis. The evaluated GenoType blood culture assay showed fast and reliable results in detecting the most important sepsis pathogens and the mecA and van genes directly from positive blood culture bottles.







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