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Abstract zur Publikation: Prevention of viral hepatitis in the Nordic countries and Germany

Fitzsimons D, Francois G, Alpers K, Radun D et al. (2005): Prevention of viral hepatitis in the Nordic countries and Germany
Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 37 (8): 549-560.

The Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB) convened a meeting of international experts from the public and private sectors in the Nordic countries and Germany, in order to review the epidemiological situation, the surveillance systems for infectious diseases, the immunization programmes and policy, and the monitoring of adverse events after hepatitis vaccination in those countries, to evaluate prevention and control measures, and to identify the issues that arose and the lessons learnt. Considerable progress has been made in the past decades in the prevention and control of viral hepatitis in the respective countries. Vaccination programmes have been set up, blood products’ safety has significantly been improved, and outbreak investigations remain the basis for the implementation of control measures. However, additional work remains to be done. Awareness of viral hepatitis among the public and professionals should further be raised, and more political support is needed regarding the value of prevention efforts and vaccination programmes.







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