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Abstract zur Publikation: Relationship between O-antigen subtypes, bacterial surface structures and O-antigen gene clusters in Escherichia coli O123 strains carrying genes for Shiga toxins and intimin

Beutin L, Wang Q, Naumann D, Han W, Krause G, Leomil L, Wang L, Feng L (2007): Relationship between O-antigen subtypes, bacterial surface structures and O-antigen gene clusters in Escherichia coli O123 strains carrying genes for Shiga toxins and intimin
J. Med. Microbiol. 56: 177-184.

Escherichia coli O123 strains express a broad spectrum of phenotypes, H serotypes and virulence markers and are able to colonize and to cause disease in different hosts including humans. In this study, two subtypes of E. coli O123 antigen (group I and group II) have been identified based on their cross-reactions with other E. coli O antigens. Investigation of the relationship between O123 group I and group II strains by O serotyping and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of whole bacteria revealed surface structural differences between these two groups of E. coli O123 strains. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the O-antigen gene clusters of two E. coli O123 strains representing O123 group I and group II revealed no change at the amino acid level. These findings indicate that the differences in the surface structures of group I and group II strains are not related to genetic heterogeneity in their O-antigen gene clusters. A PCR assay based on O123 antigen-specific wzx and wzy genes was developed and found to be suitable for reliable detection of all subtypes of E. coli O123 strains, which bears an advantage over traditional serological detection.







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