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Abstract zur Publikation: Pandemieplanung und Nationaler Pandemieplan 2007

Buda S, Haas W (2007): Pandemieplanung und Nationaler Pandemieplan 2007
Das Gesundheitswesen 69 (11): 644-645.

Pandemic preparedness and national pandemic plan 2007 in Germany

Over the past years, pandemic preparedness in Germany has undergone a dynamic development with the main objective to minimise the morbidity and the mortality in the population during an influenza pandemic. One vital instrument of pandemic preparedness in Germany is the national pandemic plan, which was revised and updated in May 2007. The present document consists of parts I to III and a supplement. Part I outlines the measures taken and part II describes phase-specific objectives and actions at the federal level, the federal state level and the regional level. Part III provides scientific background and concepts structured in ten chapters including surveillance, medical and non-medical management strategies as well as communications. The supplement is aimed to support the implementation of specific measures.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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