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Abstract zur Publikation: Subgrouping outpatients of an environmental medicine unit using SCL-90-R and cluster analysis

Helm D, Eis D (2007): Subgrouping outpatients of an environmental medicine unit using SCL-90-R and cluster analysis
Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 210 (6): 701-713.

Between 1999 and 2003 all consecutive outpatients of the environmental medicine unit of the Charité hospital in Berlin were invited to participate in a study on environmentally related disorders. One hundred and sixty-nine of the patients completed a psychosocial questionnaire which comprised SCL-90-R and 14 other tests. When compaired with clinical controls, SCL-90-R mean scores of the environmental patients (EP) were found to lie in between those of inpatients of a psychosomatic clinic and melanoma aftercare patients; but they were, with exception of the somatisation dimension, much closer to the latter. Application of the TwoStep Cluster™ component of SPSS resulted in three subgroups with high, moderate and low scores which were significantly different (p<0.001) although separation was incomplete (87% correct identification; cross-validated discriminant analysis). With all subgroups, scores for somatisation, depression and obsessive compulsion were highest and those for phobic anxiety and psychoticism were lowest. SCL-90-R scores correlated well with results of the Freiburg Personality Inventory, Whiteley Index of hypochondriasis, the short form health questionnaire (SF-36), and the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Hierarchical grouping (average linkage between groups), performed with involvement of SCL-90-R data from literature, resulted in a dendrogram with three distinct groups and three outliers. EP with low SCL-90-R scores were assigned to a group which comprised also general populations (USA, Germany), allergy patients, and melanoma controls. Those with moderate SCL-90-R scores were placed in a group together with chronic pain patients, and 26 ‘environmentally ill’ subjects. The third subgroup of EP formed a cluster with our psychosomatic controls, psychosomatic patients from another study, depressed people, and patients undergoing psychotherapy. The three outliers of the dendrogram, however, were SCL-90-R profiles obtained from persons with toxic waste exposure, neurotoxic workplace exposure or with solvent-induced chronic toxic encephalopathy.







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