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Abstract zur Publikation: Fast and reliable diagnostic methods for the detection of human poxvirus infections

Kurth A, Nitsche A (2007): Fast and reliable diagnostic methods for the detection of human poxvirus infections
Future Virology 2 (5): 467-479.

Although the most prominent poxvirus, Variola virus, was successfully eradicated in the last century, several other poxviruses cause zoonotic infections which in the early stages resemble Variola virus infections with varying pathogenicity in humans. Over the last decades numerous diagnostic methods for the detection of poxviruses have been established. Because of technical progress and the advancement in molecular techniques, only a small selection of these methods meets the demand of being rapid and reliable. This review briefly introduces human poxviruses, summarizes the methods available, discusses their pros and cons and gives recommendations for a “fast and reliable” diagnostic approach.







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