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Abstract zur Publikation: The porcine lymphotropic herpesvirus 1 encodes functional regulators of gene expression

Lindner I, Ehlers B, Noack S, Dural G, Yasmum N, Bauer C, Goltz M (2007): The porcine lymphotropic herpesvirus 1 encodes functional regulators of gene expression
Virology 357 (2): 134-148.

The porcine lymphotropic herpesviruses (PLHV) are discussed as possible risk factors in xenotransplantation because of the high prevalence of PLHV-1, PLHV-2 and PLHV-3 in pig populations world-wide and the fact that PLHV-1 has been found to be associated with porcine post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease. To provide structural and functional knowledge on the PLHV immediate-early (IE) transactivator genes, the central regions of the PLHV genomes were characterized by genome walking, sequence and splicing analysis. Three spliced genes were identified (ORF50, ORFA6/BZLF1(h), ORF57) encoding putative IE transactivators, homologous to (i) ORF50 and BRLF1/Rta, (ii) K8/K-bZIP and BZLF1/Zta and (iii) ORF57 and BMLF1 of HHV-8 and EBV, respectively. Expressed as myc-tag or HA-tag fusion proteins, they were located to the cellular nucleus. In reporter gene assays, several PLHV-promoters were mainly activated by PLHV-1 ORF50, to a lower level by PLHV-1 ORFA6/BZLF1(h) and not by PLHV-1 ORF57. However, the ORF57-encoded protein acted synergistically on ORF50-mediated activation.







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