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Abstract zur Publikation: Group A rotavirus genotypes in Germany during 2005/2006

Mas Marques A, Diedrich S, Huth C, Schreier E (2007): Group A rotavirus genotypes in Germany during 2005/2006
Arch. Virol. 152 (9): 1743-1749, Epub Jun 8.

During the 2005/2006 winter season a total of 802 group A positive rotavirus specimens of patients from different regions throughout Germany were genotyped. Amplicons from a one-tube RT-PCR were typed by analysis of their (type-specific) size using type-specific primers, fluorescent consensus primers and a capillary sequencer for detection. While G1P[8] was predominant (45.8%), G9P[8] has emerged as the second most frequent genotype combination (37.7%). The distribution of genotypes was heterogeneous, regional frequencies regarding G1 and G9 were ranging from 15.0 to 89.3% and from 7.1 to 67.7%, respectively. Furthermore, a few human rotavirus G10P[6] and G10P[8] infections were observed.







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