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Abstract zur Publikation: Survey on the population's needs and the public health response during floods in Germany 2002

Schnitzler J, Benzler J, Altmann D, Mücke I, Krause G (2007): Survey on the population's needs and the public health response during floods in Germany 2002
J. Public Health Manag. Pract. 13 (5): 461-464.

A survey after the 2002 flood in Germany identifies contact with floodwater as a risk factor for diarrhea and injuries and shows that the affected population valued the given professional support in securing homes and cleanup work. Evacuations were well tolerated. Information reached the population mainly through loudspeakers, radio, and TV.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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