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Abstract zur Publikation: Cross-sectional survey on hantavirus seroprevalence in Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland

Schultze D, Fierz W, Matter HC, Bankoul S, Niedrig M, Schmiedl A (2007): Cross-sectional survey on hantavirus seroprevalence in Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland
Swiss Med. Wkly. 137 (1-2): 21-26.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In 2002 the first endemic hantavirus infection in Switzerland was detected only by chance following a broad spectrum of diagnostics. This raised the question, whether Hantavirus infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of febrile illness of patients in Switzerland. In order to estimate the frequency of hantavirus infections in Switzerland, this survey on hantaviral seroprevalence was conducted in the Canton St. Gallen. METHODS: A total of 1693 sera from farmers, forestry workers, and young soldiers as well as blood donors, as a cross-section of the average adult population of the Canton St. Gallen, were screened for hantavirus-specific antibodies by a microsphere-based assay. All volunteers with positive screening results obtained a questionnaire for assessment of details of previous rodent encounter and illnesses compatible with hantavirus infection. RESULTS: This first survey on hantavirus-specific IgG in populations of eastern Switzerland revealed low seroprevalence-rates not significantly different among populations with higher risk for hantavirus infection (0.0%-1.9%) and the average adult population (0.5%). CONCLUSIONS: As hantavirus infections among different populations are rare, and no evidence for hantaviral nephropathy could be found, serological investigation of suspected endemic hantavirus infection in eastern Switzerland should be confined to patients with acute nephropathy and/or a history of recent rodent encounter.







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