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Abstract zur Publikation: Multiplex PCR for the Rapid Detection of Isolates Suspicious to be Community Acquired Staphylococcus aureus

Strommenger B, Braulke C, Pasemann B, Schmidt C, Witte W (2007): Multiplex PCR for the Rapid Detection of Isolates Suspicious to be Community Acquired Staphylococcus aureus
J. Clin. Microbiol.: Epub 21 Nov.

Continuous spread of community acquired MRSA (caMRSA) and the introduction of these highly virulent isolates into the hospitals represent an increasing threat. Timely recognition of caMRSA is crucial for infection control purposes. Thus, we developed a PCR-based assay for easy and rapid determination of those caMRSA clones that currently are most prevalent in Germany and Central Europe. This assay was able to correctly identify the majority of respective isolates as caMRSA of ST80, CC1 ("USA400") and ST8 ("USA300"), respectively. In combination with spa-typing/BURP and resistance typing, it provides extensive characterization of suspicious isolates. Thus, it represents a reliable tool for monitoring emergence and spread of different caMRSA. Resulting information, in combination with careful interpretation of epidemiological records, might help to prevent further spread of those highly virulent caMRSA clones.







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