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Abstract zur Publikation: Lytische Wirksamkeit von MRSA-spezifischen Phagen gegenüber den 41 definierten internationalen Referenzstämmen sowie 143 klinischen MRSA-Isolate

Vautz D, Stroh A, Witte W, Jahn B, Seipp HM (2007): Lytische Wirksamkeit von MRSA-spezifischen Phagen gegenüber den 41 definierten internationalen Referenzstämmen sowie 143 klinischen MRSA-Isolate
Z. Wundheilung 12 (5): 280-289.

Activity of phages against the European collection of epidemic Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (41 strains) and 143 clinical strains

The spread of staphylococcus aureus, highly resistant against relevant antibiotics (MRSA), reaches a level of approximately 30% of all observed infections in Germany. Bacteriophages have been known since 1915, as a potential alternative to the antibiotic or chemotherapeutic therapy against those bacteria. These highly specific viruses infect only one species of bacteria and change the bacterial-metabolism completely to the intracellular synthesis of up to 200 new phages. To show the influence on MRSA, two charges of polyvalent bacteriophage solutions were tested against the 'international basic set', consisting of 41 national and international reference strains (from Robert-Koch-Institute). Further studies focused on additional 1 new cMRSA and 143 MRSA-strains out of clinical isolates of two German clinics and staphylococcus aureus strain ATCC 6538. The bacteriophage solutions showed exclusively speciesspecific lytic activity to S. aureus. Lytic activity to E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was not observed. Due to protein exposure (Bovine serum albumin, BSA 0.3 g/l), the effectiveness of the bacteriophages was not negatively affected but rather strengthened. The PFU-test (sensibility of 10 pfu/ml) confirmed that both solutions contained effective bacteriophages against all 185 MRSA-isolates and the ATCCstrains. Today bacteriophages are available to all known MRSA / staphylococcus aureus. Taking quantitative examination into consideration, in both charges a concentration of phages of > 5.0E+06 pfu/ml, in contrast to 67% or 69% of the international defined MRSA-strains and to 71% or 74% of the 143 clinical MRSA-isolates, existed. In consideration of the proven therapeutic prosperities with non-genetically modified bacteriophages, an effective alternative for the treatment of MRSA-wound-infection already exists. With further optimization of the selection of phages and systematical breeding, new opportunities of a highly efficient therapy or a combination of therapies are possible.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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