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Abstract zur Publikation: Management of a large healthcare-associated outbreak of Panton-Valentine leucocidin-positive meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Germany

Wagenlehner FM, Naber KG, Bambl E, Raab U, Wagenlehner C, Kahlau D, Höller C, Witte W et al. (2007): Management of a large healthcare-associated outbreak of Panton-Valentine leucocidin-positive meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Germany
J. Hosp. Infect. 67 (2): 114-120. Epub Sep 27.

We report the largest documented healthcare-associated outbreak of Panton–Valentine leucocidin-positive meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (PVL+ MRSA) in Europe. Six index patients from three long-term care facilities (LTCFs) were screened positive for PVL+ MRSA in 2004 on admission to a community hospital in Germany. The purpose of this prospective study was to describe the prevalence of PVL+ MRSA in the LTCFs before and after infection control interventions. Screening for MRSA with or without PVL was performed in all three LTCFs in 2004 [453 residents, 240 healthcare workers (HCWs)] and 2005 (440 residents, 192 HCWs). Swabs from anterior nares and wounds, if applicable, were collected. Colonised residents and staff were treated with mupirocin nasal ointment and topical antiseptics, and staff were provided with hygiene education. Total MRSA carrier rate of residents and HCWs in 2004 was 11.3% (PVL+ MRSA 9.1%, PVL MRSA 2.2%). There were comparable carrier rates between residents and HCWs in each LTCF. All PVL+ MRSA isolates were of clonal origin (MLST 22) representing a novel spa sequence type t310. A decrease in total MRSA prevalence (from 11.3 to 5.5%) and PVL+ MRSA (from 9.1 to 3.3%) was observed in 2005. The rate of PVL MRSA remained unaffected. No symptomatic skin infections were noted among residents or HCWs. In this outbreak incomplete control of PVL+ MRSA presumably resulted from difficult and delayed detection and decolonisation of carriers, incomplete compliance with control measures and lack of enforcement by public health authorities.







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