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Abstract zur Publikation: The role of the IGF-I system for vitellogenesis in maturing female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758

Wuertz S, Nitsche A, Jastroch M, Gessner J, Klingenspor M, Kirschbaum F, Kloas W (2007): The role of the IGF-I system for vitellogenesis in maturing female sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 150 (1): 140-150. Epub Sep 1.

Transition from previtellogeneic to vitellogenic oocyte growth is a critical phase for folliculogenesis in sturgeon and may often be postponed for several years. Recent findings on the involvement of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in cell differentiation processes of oocyte follicle and ovarian steroidogenesis of teleosts in vitro led to the hypothesis that paracrine IGF-I could function as a potential trigger in vivo. For the first time, IGF-I and its corresponding receptor (IGF-IR) were identified in a non-teleostean fish. Real-time PCR assays for IGF-I and IGF-IR mRNA were established, normalising mRNA expression of the target genes to β-microglobulin (β2m). We clearly show that expression of IGF-I in the gonad is a substantial source for IGF-I-mediated effects in follicles compared to liver, brain, muscle and adipose tissue. Among these tissues, IGF-IR mRNA was highest in the gonad. With regard to different cohorts of coexisting follicles, highest expression of IGF-I and IGF-IR were met in developing follicles, indicating that IGF-I functions as an intraovarian modulator of follicle faith. Comparing previtellogenic follicles in females that matured within two years with non-maturing females f the same age, revealed an increases of 2.3-fold for IGF-I and 2.8-fold for IGF-IR mRNA expression in maturing females. These findings implicate an important role of paracrine IGF-I in early vitellogenesis and identify it as candidate vitellogenesis inducing factor (VIF), determining the faith of the follicle.







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