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Abstract zur Publikation: Ongoing measles outbreak in southern Bavaria, Germany

Bernard H, Fischer R, Wildner M (2008): Ongoing measles outbreak in southern Bavaria, Germany
Euro Surveill. 13 (1).

Since early October 2007, the Bavarian Health Authority (BHA) has noticed an increased number of measles cases in Bavaria, Germany. A total of 95 cases occurred between week 41 and 51 in 2007, whereas only three cases had been notified to the District Health Authorities (DHA) during the same period in 2006.

In the outbreak investigation, we defined a case as a resident of Bavaria or a person diagnosed with measles in Bavaria with onset of symptoms (generalised maculopapular rash lasting three or more days, fever ≥38.5°C, and at least one of the following symptoms: cough, coryza, Koplik spots, or conjunctivitis) after 28 September 2007 (week 39). A case was laboratory-confirmed by one of the following results: detection of measles-specific IgM antibodies, a significant increase in measles-specific IgG or neutralising antibody titres between two successive samples, isolation of measles virus (MeV), or detection of MeV nucleic acid.

After receiving a case notification by physicians, heads of schools, child day-care facilities, or laboratories, the DHA contacted cases for exploratory interviews and identification of their contacts, and communicated the information to the BHA. Laboratory diagnosis was performed by private laboratories and by the National Reference Centre (NRC) for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella at the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin.

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