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Abstract zur Publikation: The CANEP scale: Preliminary psychometric findings of a measure of youths' perception of their neighborhood environment

Bisegger C, Cloetta B, Ravens-Sieberer U (2008): The CANEP scale: Preliminary psychometric findings of a measure of youths' perception of their neighborhood environment
J. Community Psychol. 36 (1): 81-95.

The impact of the environment on the quality of life and health is considered to be important for adults as well as for children and adolescents. To include the subjective view of children and adolescents in this context, instruments for measuring the perception of the environment are needed. The new scale CANEP (Children's and Adolescents' Neighborhood Environment Perception) covers youths' perception of the neighborhood as safe, clean, quiet, and providing opportunities for social contacts with peers. Even if the external validation has not yet been fully completed, the characteristics and contents of the instrument seem plausible and promise to tell more about the relation between environment perception and the well being of the young.







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