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Abstract zur Publikation: HLA-B27 Subtypes Differentially Associated with Disease Exhibit Conformational Differences in Solution

Fabian H, Huser H, Narzi D, Misselwitz R, Loll B, Ziegler A, Böckmann RA, Uchanska-Ziegler B, Naumann D (2008): HLA-B27 Subtypes Differentially Associated with Disease Exhibit Conformational Differences in Solution
J. Mol. Biol. 376 (3): 798-810. Epub 2007 Dec 8.

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules consist of a heavy chain, β2-microglobulin, and a peptide that are noncovalently bound. Certain HLA-B27 subtypes are associated with ankylosing spondylitis (such as HLA-B*2705), whereas others (such as HLA-B*2709) are not. Both differ in only one residue (Asp116 and His116, respectively) in the F pocket that accommodates the peptide C-terminus. An isotope-edited IR spectroscopy study of these HLA-B27 subtypes complexed with the self-peptide RRKWRRWHL was carried out, revealing that the heavy chain is more flexible in the HLA-B*2705 than in the HLA-B*2709 subtype. In agreement with these experimental data, molecular dynamics simulations showed an increased flexibility of the HLA-B*2705 binding groove in comparison with that of the HLA-B*2709 subtype. This difference correlates with an opening of the HLA-B*2705 binding groove, accompanied by a partial detachment of the C-terminal peptide anchor. These combined results demonstrate how the deeply embedded polymorphic heavy-chain residue 116 influences the flexibility of the peptide binding groove in a subtype-dependent manner, a feature that could also influence the recognition of the HLA-B27 complexes by effector cells.







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