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Abstract zur Publikation: Human Borna disease virus infection in Australia: serological markers of infection in multi-transfused patients

Flower RL, Kamhieh S, McLean L, Bode L, Ludwig H, Ward CM (2008): Human Borna disease virus infection in Australia: serological markers of infection in multi-transfused patients
APMIS Suppl. 116 (124s): 89-93.

Borna disease virus (BDV) causes neurological disease in horses, however, there is no consensus as to the extent or significance of human infection. BDV antigen levels in plasma (BDVpAg) and anti-BDV were measured by ELISAs. Confirmation was by Western blot (WB), immunofluorescence assay (IFA) or BDV-peptide-epitope ELISA. For 42 volunteers psychiatrically-defined as non-depressed (82 samples) neither BDVpAg nor anti-BDV was detected. For 104 patients with diagnosed depression (290 samples) 1 was BDVpAg positive and 5 anti-BDV positive, one epitope-e8 positive and 4 IFA positive, with 96% concordance for repeat samples. No BDVpAg was detected in 214 pregnant women, 2 were anti-BDV positive, one WB-confirmed (p24/p40). For 219 donors 2 were BDVpAg positive with anti-BDV detected in 5 (2.3%) one IFA 1:10, another IFA 1:40/epitope-e8 positive. In multitransfused patients, 3/168 were BDV pAg positive, with 14/168 anti-BDV positive, 1 epitope-e8 positive, 2 WB positive and 1 IFA 1:10. In BDVpAg positive multi-transfused patients there was an elevated risk of transaminitis. In one case, a patient BDV-negative prior to transfusion was BDVpAg positive for several months posttransfusion (associated with transaminitis). These data provide serological evidence, supported by confirmatory assays and repeat-sample concordance, of BDV infection in Australia, particularly in multi-transfused patients.







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