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Abstract zur Publikation: Predicting utilization of formal and informal help among general hospital inpatients with alcohol use disorders

Freyer-Adam J, Coder B, Bischof G, Baumeister SE, Rumpf HJ, John U, Hapke U (2008): Predicting utilization of formal and informal help among general hospital inpatients with alcohol use disorders
Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 17 (1 Suppl): S70-73.

AIM: The aim of this prospective study was to identify predictors of utilizing formal and informal help among currently non-help-seeking individuals with alcohol use disorders. METHODS: Data was based on 197 general hospital inpatients with alcohol dependence or abuse. Using multivariable logistic regression analyses, intention to utilize formal help was tested in addition to evidence based predictors of utilization of help. RESULTS: Intention to seek help and prior help-seeking were identified as central predictors for formal and informal help-seeking. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of utilization of formal help among persons with alcohol use disorders may be reduced by focusing professional interventions on enhancing help-seeking motivation.







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