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Abstract zur Publikation: Growth characteristics of human adenoviruses on porcine cell lines

Griesche N, Zikos D, Witkowski PT, Nitsche A, Ellerbrok H, Spiller OB, Pauli G, Biere B (2008): Growth characteristics of human adenoviruses on porcine cell lines
Virology 373 (2): 400-410. Epub Jan 11.

Human adenoviruses (hAdV) have been recognized as a highly prevalent virus family causing severe disease in immunocompromised patients. In xenotransplantation the xenograft therefore will be exposed to these viruses, which in case of its infection might contribute to posttransplant complications. To evaluate the susceptibility of porcine cells for hAdV, we infected the porcine cell line POEK with seven serotypes representing all six hAdV species. Additionally, a second porcine cell line (ST) was infected with two serotypes. Viral replication of serotypes varied: porcine cells were fully permissive for serotypes 1, 4 and 17, semi-permissive for 11 and 21, and non-permissive for 31 and 40. Furthermore, we demonstrated the interaction of serotype 1 with the porcine homologue of the coxsackie-adenovirus receptor, the receptor used by many hAdV serotypes for cell attachment. Thus, various adenovirus types of different hAdV species may be capable of infecting different porcine tissue types.







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