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Abstract zur Publikation: Borna disease virus: evidence of naturally-occurring infection in cats in Australia

Kamhieh S, Hodgson J, Bode L, Ludwig H, Flower RL (2008): Borna disease virus: evidence of naturally-occurring infection in cats in Australia
APMIS. Supplementum 116 (124s): 50-52.

In Europe, Borna disease virus (BDV) infection has been linked with staggering disease. The aim of this study was serological investigation for BDV infection in Australian cats. De-identified sera were obtained from domestic cats presented at various veterinary clinics. BDV antigen levels were measured by a monoclonal antibody-based ELISA. Antibody to BDV measured semiquantitatively by ELISA was detected in 0.8% of cats from South Australia and 3.2% of animals from NSW Confirmatory assays for ELISA positive samples included Western blot and immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with BDV-specific staining. Seven BDV-antigen positive sera (2.4%) were identified in sera from cats from New South Wales (NSW). In blinded testing, amongst a large number of negative results, repeat submissions over a seven-month period from a cat co-infected with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) were BDV-antigen positive. Anti-BDV antibody detected in this cat by ELISA was confirmed by Western blot (p24/ p40/p56) and IFA. For 4 other anti-BDV ELISA-positive samples, specific reactions with BDV proteins were observed by Western blot. Ten other anti-BDV ELISA-positive samples were IFA positive. These data provide consistent serological evidence that, while horses in Australia are free of BDV infection, there may be a low rate of BDV infection in cats.







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